How Old Are You?

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Positive and Negative Numbers

With these different ads, we have each time 2 numbers, one negative, the real age written in letters and a second one positive, what we can see in numbers.

Expressive Level
“Seeing”/Seems: 51
“Reading”/Is: 60
Content Level
60 – 51 = 9

Expressive Level
“Seeing”/Seems: 37
“Reading”/Is: 46
Content Level
46 – 37 = 9

Expressive Level
“Seeing”/Seems: 42
“Reading”/Is: 58
Content Level
58 – 42 = 16

We can notice that Olay has used the hiding values of its products. Hidden within the simple forms of the numbers are the lines and wrinkles of an older age but only seen when we take a closer look. To compare the three publicity campaigns, one can notice that the product capacity rages from 9 to 16 years in its efficiency.

Wrinkles: On/Off


Observer position:

  • Far/51 – Wrinkles
  • Near/51/62 + Wrinkles


Comparing these two Saatchi and Saatchi campaigns (2008), we notice two different perceptions and performances of the same object. So which product will you prefer? Olay from Amsterdam which hides 16 years of your age or Olay from Russia which can correct 6 years of the ageing process?

48 + Olay = 42

48 – 42 = 6

Saatchi and Saatchi Russia

58 + Olay = 42

58 -42 = 16

Saatchi and Saatchi Amsterdam



42 + Avon = 37

42 – 37 = 5
141 SoHo Square Brazil


Happy Birthday!

Olay and Avon see the age as something negative, while the antismoking product uses accelerating ageing process to their advantage by choosing the icon of this young old lady celebrating her forty second anniversaries.


Author Bio


Editor in Chief Mehdi Chourou