Digital Clock

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Humans since 1982

“Humans since 1982” is a Design studio based in Stockholm.

HS1982 was founded in 2009/2010 by Bastian Bischoff (from Germany) and Per Emanuelsson (from Sweden).

Why 1982 ? Both designers were born in 1982.

“We try to not get too specialized in anything. Our studio name, Humans Since 1982, is the most open term to define us: it does not say we are artists, designers or whatever. It enables us to keep an overview and some distance”.

A Million Times 61 c

61 = 1 = 23:37

Sixty one interconnected clocks.
This video was recorded in Stockholm in October 2014.

Design by “Humans since 1982“.
Sound by Felix Aneer

Kinetic Clock

24 = 1 = 20:32

24 analog clocks = One digital watch
David Cox (2010) / Humans since 1984

Exhibited at Phillips de Pury

Author Bio


Editor in Chief Mehdi Chourou