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Ami: International Medical Assistance

Ami sends doctors and nurses to areas hit by natural disasters.

Advertising Agency: Y&R Lisbon (Portugal, 2008)
Art Director: Pedro Ferreira
Creative Directors: Pedro Ferreira and Judite Mota
Photographer: Image Tap
Copywriter: Judite Mota

Sichuan Disaster

The poster shows the destructed Sichuan city. When you take off a ticket, you get the NGO’s bank account number where you can send your contribution.

Sichuan Earthquake in numbers


87.150: number of people killed or missing
4.800.000: number of people left homeless
7.9m: srongest earthquake to hot China since 1950
137.5bn dollars: money spent in rebuilding the affected areas

Author Bio


Editor in Chief Mehdi Chourou