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Cop21 in numbers

21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

20… The number of years global climate negotiations have been ongoing.

150… The number of countries hosting climate marches over the opening of the conference.

21.000 metric tonnes of CO2 the conference is expected to emit and offset.

Representatives from 196 nations made a historic pact agreeing to adopt green energy sources, cut down on climate change emissions and limit the rise of global temperatures.


2“Holding the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 degrees C above pre-industrial levels.”

100“To help developing countries switch from fossil fuels to greener sources of energy and adapt to the effects of climate change, the developed world will provide $100 billion a year.”

5 years… “The agreement now codifies that and sets a framework for those reductions to begin in 2020.”

Paris climate deal

COP21 Final Draft Text

Author Bio


Editor in Chief Mehdi Chourou