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World Press Freedom Index 2016

Tuesday (May, 3) marks World Press Freedom Day.

Reporters Without Borders has published its 2016 press freedom index. It ranks 180 countries according to the level of freedom available to journalists.


87 questions (translated in 20 languages) targeted sociologists, media professinals and lawers. RWB indicator’s are: pluralim, transparency, environment and self-censorship, media independance, abuses, legislative framework and infrastructure. And the winners are:

  1. Finland
  2. Netherlands
  3. Norway
  4. Denmark
  5. New Zealand
  6. Costa Rica
  7. Switzerland
  8. Sweden
  9. Ireland
  10. Jamaica

10 Most Censored Countries 2016


  1. Eritrea
  2. North Korea
  3. Turkmenistan
  4. Syria
  5. China
  6. Vietnam
  7. Sudan
  8. Laos
  9. Djibouti
  10. Cuba

The Weapen 4 Freedom Of Information

144 pens for 144 journalists that were killed pursuing stories in 2015…

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Author Bio


Editor in Chief Mehdi Chourou