All posts by M C


Editor in Chief Mehdi Chourou

Future Brands Inside

Future Brands

2000... With the acceleration of our communication’s capacities, we can already see signs of the year 3000...

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50 Advertising


‘Abramet, more attention, less accidents’ Advertising Agency: Z+ Comunicação, São Paulo, Brazil Executive Creative Director: Alan Strozenberg Creative Director: Leo Macias, Alan Strozenberg Art Director: Danillo Ferrari

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+ / – Inside

+ / –

How to subtract by adding Entertaining view of old and new problems in physics. Via MinutePhysics

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Fresh numbers Advertising

Fresh numbers

Dometic: ‘A minibar you can truly count on’ “The high-performance sensors combined with the real-time data-collecting software from the new HiPromatic let you keep track of your guest’s consumtion and reduce your losses to

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5 Hot


Countries that execute their own citizens

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